Business and Strategic Consulting in Competition matters

Zecler Argov regularly advises clients operating in various sectors, assisting them when their daily commercial conduct involves questions of antitrust law.

We strive to minimize and manage risks arising from their business goals, ensuring they comply with and adhere to provisions of the Competition Act. We believe in providing practical and creative solutions based on our rich experience and the up-to-date knowledge of antitrust laws in Israel and also around the world.

We are your partners for:

  • Solving legal problems related to firms with a dominant position in the market for more information
  • Entering into various agreements that resolve questions of antitrust, including distribution agreements, production, franchising, licensing, and more.
  • Safely and lawfuly collaborating with competitors.
  • Participating in business associations and other industry collaborations while adhereing to competition law.
  • Issues related to intellectual property and antitrust.
  • Issues concerning monopoly, including product pricing strategy and discount structure, refusal to supply monopoly products, tying products and more.

Recent updates

  • In interview with GLC, Adv. Niv Zecler discusses the Cellcom-Golan merger

    Adv. Niv Zecler was interviewed of the morning diary program at the GLC...

  • Zecler Argov Law Office Ranked in the Elite Group in Antitrust Law by Dun’s 100

    We are proud to update that our firm is ranked as one of the leading law firms...

  • Another Elite ranking for Adv. Niv Zecler in the global directory Chambers and Partners

    We are proud to announce that global directory, Chambers and Partners...