Criminal Antitrust / Cartel Defense and Investigations / Dawn Raids

When a company undergoes an antitrust-related criminal investigation and faces related criminal charges, it is critical to be represented by the best and most experienced attorneys. Zecler Argov lawyers have the knowledge and expertise across the entirety of competition law, including related criminal actions. We combine that with our long history of practical experience in the courtroom and managing criminal cases, which are unequaled in the Israeli market. This allows our clients to receive unique, creative, and bespoke representation that is difficult to match.

For nearly a quarter-century, we have been representing our clients – companies and also executives as individuals – in criminal investigations and proceedings. They come up against any number of competition law charges including price coordination, tender coordination, collusion for market sharing, and fraudulent customer distribution and related charges such as fraud and money laundering.

We are the ones to call when you need:

  • Representation at the investigation and raid stage at the company’s offices.
  • Representation in detention proceedings.
  • Representation in a hearing before the Competition Authority, pre-indictment.
  • Representation in criminal proceedings after an indictment has been filed.
  • Representation in class actions that may be filed during or after the criminal proceedings.

Representation of a gas company and a senior official in a criminal proceeding involving price coordination and customer divisions among the 4 largest gas companies of Israel (the Gas Cartel). The case ended in acquittal.

Representation of the CEO of one of the largest tourism companies in Israel at a pre-indictment hearing accused of making a restrictive arrangement.

Representation of one of the largest bakeries in Israel in a criminal proceeding regarding market division arrangements between several bakeries in Israel (the bread cartel).

Representation of a water meter company charged with coordinating arrangements for tenders of local authorities among water meter companies (the water meter cartel).

Representation of a textbook company charged with coordinating tenders for the supply of textbooks (the textbook cartel).

Representation of a pruning company in a criminal proceeding that dealt with coordination arrangements for tenders of the IEC and various municipalities (the pruning cartel).

Representation of a computer company in criminal proceedings that dealt with the coordination of government tenders for computer services (the computer cartel).

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