Global Corporations

Our firm has extensive experience in representing multinational companies with cross-border activities.

Among other things, we are who you turn to for:

  • Representation in class actions filed in Israel in respect of international cartels
  • Handling mergers that require the submission of a merger notice in Israel.
  • Providing legal advice on any issue related to competition law.
  • Advising on various regulatory issues.

Recent updates

  • Zecler Argot’s office was ranked in the Elite Group by BDI

    We are proud to update that our firm is ranked as one of the leading law firms in Israel...

  • “Fear of death”: The lawyer who represents the monopolies explains how to deal with the Internet giants

    In an interview with The Marker, Adv. Niv Zecler talks about...

  • Zecler Argov Law Office Ranked in the Elite Group in Antitrust Law by Dun’s 100

    We are proud to update that our firm is ranked as one of the leading law firms...