Media & Advertising

Among the clients of our firm you can find some of the largest and leading advertising and media companies in Israel. The firm’s staff dealt with matters related to the field of communications and advertising in a variety of aspects, including mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, requests for exemption from approving a restrictive arrangement, formulating and implementing an internal antitrust compliance program for companies engaged in the field and other issues related to regulation and antitrust.

Recent updates

  • Niv Zecler interviewed on News 12 about Internet giants

    Adv. Niv Zecler was interviewed by News 12 on the subject of Internet giants...

  • In interview with GLC, Adv. Niv Zecler discusses the Cellcom-Golan merger

    Adv. Niv Zecler was interviewed of the morning diary program at the GLC...

  • Zecler Argot’s office was ranked in the Elite Group by BDI

    We are proud to update that our firm is ranked as one of the leading law firms in Israel...