Food & Beverages

Our firm has expertise and in-depth knowledge of the field of food and beverage. Our clients involve us in their most challenging matters, which often involve representation before the Competition Authority on various issues and handling litigation proceedings in courts. In addition, we regularly advise our clients in the field of food and beverages on various issues related to compliance with the provisions of the Competition Law and the provisions of the Promotion of Competition Law in the food industry that apply specifically to suppliers and retailers in the food industry. Our diverse customer base includes food manufacturers, soft drink and alcoholic beverage manufacturers and food and beverage retailers. With decades of experience in representing clients operating in the industry, we believe that our in-depth knowledge of it allows us to successfully and uncompromisingly represent clients operating in this industry.

Recent updates

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  • The Competition Authority must act against the Internet giants and not be deterred

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  • Zecler Argot’s office was ranked in the Elite Group by BDI

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