“Niv Zecler is an outstanding lawyer. He is very experienced and has the ability to find practical solutions to complex issues”

“One of the most important experts in the country today”

Described as “one of the finest competition lawyers in Israel” (Chambers Global), founding partner Niv Zecler is widely considered as one of the most formidable experts in antitrust law, regulation and litigation in Israel and draws on a successful track record in many of the country’s major competition cases.
Leading Israeli and international companies frequently turn to Niv for his vast experience in a diverse range of proceedings – criminal, civil and administrative, in all courts and before the Israeli Competition Authority.
Ranked consistently in the top tier of global and domestic legal directories, Niv’s insight ensures he regularly writes and lectures on subjects relating to antitrust and competition law.
In addition to his ranking in Chambers Global, GCR 100, Dun & Bradstreet, he has also been inducted into the prestigious “Hall of Fame” of Legal 500.
Mr. Zecler previously served as the chief counsel of the ICC (1994-1997) and as Chairman of the Antitrust Committee of the Israeli Bar Association (2007-2014).
Recent updates
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In interview with GLC, Adv. Niv Zecler discusses the Cellcom-Golan merger
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Niv Zecler interviewed on News 12 about Internet giants
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Another Elite ranking for Adv. Niv Zecler in the global directory Chambers and Partners
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